Cat of the Day
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Cat of the Day
Today's Cat of the Day
Cherry the Calico, the Cat of the Day
Name: Cherry
Age: Eight years old
Gender: Female
Kind: Calico
Home: Cape Girardeau, Missouri, USA
   Hi! My name is Cherokee, Cherry for short. I am eight years old, and I live in Cape Girardeau, Missouri. You've heard of "working dogs?" Well, I am a "working cat." It is very stressful work, and I like to take these short walks in my backyard to release some of that stress. My mommy is a licensed professional counselor, and she is very good at the talking part. Sheís not so great at the cuddling part, though, so my job is to provide a very specialized form of pet therapy. By hopping up on our client's laps, I am able to help them feel more comfortable during their sessions. And they get something extra special by being instantly loved and accepted.

     I use a variety of techniques. There is the "ball" technique where I curl up on a lap in a little ball. There is the "head butt" technique where I butt the client's chest or chin to let him or her know that it is time to scratch me. My favorite, though, is the "baby" technique. This is where I lie on by back, feet apart (this makes belly-scratching easier), and head on the client's arm. Our client's seem to enjoy my work. Several have said that I lessen their nervousness, especially on that scary first visit. And one client named her new kitten after me. My mommy has never had a client name a baby after her!

Talk about Cherry in Pet Talk!

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