Cat of the Day
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Cat of the Day
Today's Cat of the Day
Daisy the Domestic Shorthair, the Cat of the Day
Name: Daisy
Age: Two years old
Gender: Female
Kind: Domestic Shorthair
Home: Marion, Ohio, USA
   Daisy was living in a cage at a shelter for homeless kitties in Ohio and was kept confined to this cage because she was afraid of the other cats. She had been declawed on all four paws (and thus had no way to defend herself) and so this two-year-old female cat was very fearful around other kitties.

     One day I went to the shelter looking for a female short-haired cat to keep my husband and myself company in our old age. The shelter was looking for a home for this cat where there were no other pets in the house, and where the people would promise to keep the cat indoors 100% of the time. The cat had the name Buttercup on her cage's label, but I thought she looked more like a "Daisy." When I called her Daisy, she meowed at me - so I said "I think I should take her home with me."

     Now that she has been out of the cage at the shelter for some time, I have added "Zoomer" to her name of "Daisy" as in "Daisy the Zoomer." She loves to run like there is something chasing her or she is chasing something … but when she is done racing around she also loves to flop on our dining room table. I allow her to do this because since she has no claws she cannot scratch the wood when she jumps up.

     This little princess has found a happy-ever-after home and lets us know that she likes her new "palace" very much.

Daisy the Domestic Shorthair, the Cat of the Day

Talk about Daisy in Pet Talk!

Luigi the Domestic Cat Mikey the Domestic Shorthair Ralph the Tuxedo Shorthair Max the Domestic Shorthair Sadie the Himalayan mix Pumpkin the Domestic Shorthair Mazey the American Curl Reese the Norwegian Forest Cat mix
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