Cat of the Day
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Cat of the Day
Today's Cat of the Day
Charlie, the Cat of the Day
Name: Charlie
Age: Four years old
Gender: Female
Kind: Dilute Tortoiseshell
Home: California, USA
   Charlie is a lovely dilute tortie lady. She came into my life quite by accident. I had been pestering my hubby for a while about getting a kitten to keep our other cat company, but he wasn't sure if it was time yet. One day, my sister called. She had gotten a kitten the week before who was found in a dumpster, and the day she called a second kitten had been found under a porch. My sister had considered keeping both kittens, but they were not compatible. If they were even in the same room much hissing, growling, and head-bopping ensued. I came by to check out the new kitten and see if I had any tips for helping them get along, and the rest is history.

    Luckily Charlie did not have the same trouble getting along with the cat who already lived with us, Sherpa. He was like a big brother/dad to her from day one. They argue sometimes, but every morning I find the two of them cuddled up together, and they wake me up galloping around the house together at night. Unfortunately, she never outgrew her feral ways entirely. My husband and I might be allowed to pet her once a month, if we're lucky. She has only voluntarily come to sit in my lap once ever. Petting Charlie is a treat though, she has the softest fur I've ever felt on a cat! I try to interact with her a lot with toys, and her laser pointer. I'm ever hopeful that someday she'll come around and realize that we truly aren't scary, but even if she doesn't she is much-beloved here.

    Funny story - the day Charlie was to be spayed, my sister's dumpster kitten Bagheera was also being neutered. I offered to bring both of them in to save my sister the trip. I brought the kitties in two separate carriers, but didn't think to mention to the tech who took them into the back that they weren't friends. He came back out a moment later, wide-eyed, and said "Wow, they don't get along AT ALL!". He had tried to put them in the same cage to wait for surgery, thinking that they were both my kittens. Oops!

    Charlie is the queen of our household. Sometimes she sits on the stairs between the living room and the bedroom and doesn't let the other animals pass. If the dog tries to get up into the bedroom - "WHAP!" he gets a smack on the face. He may be three times her size, but he can't get past!

   We all love our skittish little darling.

Charlie, the Cat of the Day
Charlie, the Cat of the Day

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Noodle the Orange tabby Milly the British shorthair Tiggy the Tabby Kahlua the Cat Emy the Calico Minou the Ragdoll Mira the Domestic Shorthair Rico the Russian Blue
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