Cat of the Day
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Cat of the Day
Today's Cat of the Day
Duke, the Cat of the Day
Name: Duke
Age: Three years old
Gender: Male
Kind: Domestic Tabby
Home: Yorkville, Illinois, USA
   This is Duke, who came to us after his litter was found abandoned in a barn in the very cold weather. He was to be a "shop cat" but we quickly learned that this lazy cat was a lover, not a biter. Duke is a bit of a ham, very vocal and very much wants to be the center of attention. He greets you when you walk through the door and goes to bed with you when it's time. He isn't much interested in the outdoors and loves laying inside on anything his "dad" has his scent on - a box, his jacket, socks, blanket - you name it, he's laying on it!

    Duke has become accustomed to helping other animals adjust to a new life. He helps his foster golden retriever buddies learn what it's like to live with a kitty and get along with it as well. Duke loves to play with his sister Daisy, and his dog pal Wilson. We love him!

Duke, the Cat of the Day

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Simon the British Shorthair Lou the Ragdoll Orson the Cat D.J. the Domestic short hair Garza the Grey Tabby Nightmare the Domestic Short Hair Tiggs the Tortoiseshell Ruby the Bengal cat
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