Cat of the Day
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Cat of the Day
Today's Cat of the Day
Athena, the Cat of the Day
Name: Athena
Age: Eight months old
Gender: Female
Kind: Persian
Home: Massachusetts, USA
   This is my adorable kitten Athena. She is a Persian, and is eight months old, so still is a growing girl. Athena was a surprise to replace my late cat whom I had for fourteen years. I know she doesn't "replace" my old cat, but she does fill that empty spot that was left. I got her when she was twelve weeks old and she has since developed a personality of being a mama's girl. She comes when I call her name and either sleeps directly on or right against me. I am also the only one who can catch her in my household, everyone else she runs from, and she can be surprisingly fast. She is simply precious to me!

Athena, the Cat of the Day

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