Cat of the Day
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Cat of the Day
Today's Cat of the Day
Moonshadow the Cat
Name: Moonshadow
Age: Six years old
Gender: Male
Kind: Cat
Home: Texas, USA
   I got Moonshadow for free as a kitten six years ago at River Haven. He was a birthday gift for my mother who was turning fifty at the time. Moonshadow started off as a small kitten and grew into a giant tom cat in what seemed like overnight.

     Moonshadow loves to meow, he never stops meowing. He is also a copycat and copies everything I do. If I'm sitting in a chair, he has to as well. If I talk, he has to meow. He even copies my sleeping position, I sleep on my back and so does he.

     Moonshadow, despite his large size, is actually very skittish. He dislikes thunderstorms, runs away from the smallest of movements from me or my mom, and hides whenever people come to visit. Over the years he's slightly become less skittish, but he still really dislikes it when someone visits us.

     Despite being my mom's birthday present, Moonshadow has always had a fear of my mom for some unknown reason. He will let her pet him but only every once in a while and he usually stays away from her and sits around me instead. For some reason Moonshadow seems to see me as his mom or something because he follows me everywhere, sleeps with me, and meows at me if I don't pay attention to him. However, he's very confusing because whenever I do give him attention, he usually darts away from me. It's odd, instead of wanting to be petted he seems to simply want to be listened to and talked to.

Moonshadow the Cat Moonshadow the Cat Moonshadow the Cat Moonshadow the Cat

Talk about Moonshadow in Pet Talk!

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