Cat of the Day
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Cat of the Day
Today's Cat of the Day
Loco the Grey Tabby
Name: Loco
Age: Fifteen years old
Gender: Male
Kind: Grey Tabby
Home: York, Maine, USA
   Hi, I am Loco, and I like to scratch people. I may be old but I still like to escape and run outside when someone opens the door to come in or go out. I make them chase me I run under the neighbors fence and into the woods but, I always get caught or come to the door crying to come in.

     Loco is a real character. He likes to torment the neighbor's dog Lucy and sits outside of the neighbors house and hides in a bush . When Lucy and her owner come outside for a walk, he jumps out of the bush and scares the poor dog and her poor owner. He is a trouble maker. He is not affectionate to anyone but his (human) dad Paul. He is scared of his little (human) sister Kylee (age 11). He doesn't even bother with his youngest (human) sister Grace. He bosses around the other cats in the house and dislikes our dog Riley. Loco and the other cats like to bug Coco (our other cat), who is the lowest ranking one, we guess. But still we do love him!

Loco the Grey Tabby Loco the Grey Tabby Loco the Grey Tabby Loco the Grey Tabby Loco the Grey Tabby

Talk about Loco in Pet Talk!

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