Cat of the Day

July 8, 2004

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Leo, the Cat of the Day
Name: Leo
Age: Two months old
Gender: Male
Kind: Chocolate Spotted Tabby
Home: Inola, Oklahoma, USA
   Hi, my name is Leo! I am just a little chocolate spotted tabby kitten, but I've got more spots than my big sister Bubby. I was pretty sick when my mama rescued me, and my vet said I was pretty lucky that she had taken me home when she did. I only weighed eight ounces at two months age, but mama poked lots of pills down me day and night and I started feeling better in a few days and then I was hungry! I've gained over a pound already and I'm still hungry, and the spots on my belly are getting farther apart. My mama teases me about taking a marking pen and "connecting the dots" on me! I would probably look pretty funny then! I've got lots of energy now and I get to go outside in the afternoons and play with my big brothers Gizmo and Fizzgig. They're much bigger than me, but they have to take turns playing and rest in between and I still run them ragged. Then when they're sitting there resting and panting I sneak up and pounce 'em!

    I have many other "brothers and sisters" in all and we are all rescued orphans and ferals. I wasn't a feral, just a "throw-away", but I'm still fierce! My real mama and my new batch of brothers and sisters (all seven of 'em!) have now been rescued, too, and are being brought back to health (and I'll teach them all how to be fierce, too!). The little ones were rescued when they were eight days old and mama was starving 'cause she wouldn't leave them to hunt. Now the babies are fat and mama is keeping them fed and gaining a little, too, thanks to our people helpers. I am one little kitten who is really thankful to all of you who rescue little "unwanteds" like me and give us happier lives!

    Leo has been a blessing to our very existence and has brought hope to us for all little unwanted ferals and throw-aways in this lousy world.

    P.S.: Bubby, our hybrid bobcat/tabby, is doing well at 2+ years and still undisputed queen of the house!

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