Cat of the Day
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Cat of the Day
Today's Cat of the Day
Sofia, the Cat of the Day
Name: Sofia
Age: Ten weeks old
Gender: Female
Kind: Tabby
Home: Piedmont, South Carolina, USA
   My cat's name is Sofia, well she still a kitten, really, and as cute as can be. If I didn't have my cat, then my world would be over. It is amazing how important she is to me already, and we have just each other for a short time! My favorite part about Sofia is that she is so fascinated about the world around her. It makes me smile, and makes me look at things differently, too! I never before thought of a fly as anything but an annoying pest, but to her, that is the most amazing fun toy ever! I don't know what she will do when she finally catches one, but it will be fun to see! I love her very much!

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Wendell the Maine Coon mix Nugget the Tortoiseshell Cocco the Maine Coon Mingo the Maine Coon Earthy the Calico, Tabby Tirulla the European Shorthair Binx the Brown Tabby Tanner the Buff Tabby
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