Cat of the Day
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Cat of the Day
Today's Cat of the Day
Earthy, the Cat of the Day
Name: Earthy
Age: Twelve years old
Gender: Female
Kind: Calico, Tabby mix
Home: Greenback, Tennessee, USA
   This is Earthy and she is one special kitty that's as though as they come. She was born on Easter Sunday 2001 in Greenback, Tennessee. Her curiosity got her into trouble one day when she got shut inside the clothes dryer. Lucky for her it was not on, so she just had to spend a few hours in the dark until someone heard her meows for help.

    In the fall of 2004 she was hit by a car. It left her with a broken pelvis and a fractured spine. Her chances of survival looked bleak and no one thought she would make it. But to everyone's surprise within a week she was already trying to walk and after about a month she made a full recovery.

    Then in the fall of 2009 Earthy went missing. We spent nearly two weeks trying to find her and thought she was gone. Then suddenly we heard a faint meow and we discovered that she had somehow got trapped under the house. She was thin and weak but she made a full recovery from that ordeal.

    She loves cardboard boxes and cat treats! Her favorite movie is Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron and her favorite video game to watch is Ratchet and Clank. Even though Earthy has a talent for finding trouble she is a happy and active kitty that won't let anything get her down.

Earthy, the Cat of the Day
See more images of Earthy!
Earthy, the Cat of the Day
Earthy, the Cat of the Day
Earthy, the Cat of the Day

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Nugget the Tortoiseshell Cocco the Maine Coon Mingo the Maine Coon Sofia the Tabby Tirulla the European Shorthair Binx the Brown Tabby Tanner the Buff Tabby Forrest the Siamese mix
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