Cat of the Day
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Cat of the Day
Today's Cat of the Day
Scaredy, the Cat of the Day
Name: Scaredy
Age: Twelve years old
Gender: Male
Kind: Moggie
Home: Milton Keynes, UK
   This is Scaredy, and he really is our Scaredy Cat. I first met Scaredy in the Winter of 2008. I would see him sitting outside our house scrounging for food as I have several other cats who sometimes want their food outside. As soon as I'd open the door he would run and hide, only running over to the dish after I'd closed the door.

    He was obviously hungry, eating a few dishes at a time, always running to hide in between courses. After a few weeks he began to loiter even after eating and I started sitting on our front door step to try and coax him over for a stroke but he wasn't having any of that! Eventually he nudged my hand and lifted onto his back legs for a little stroke but was still very nervous.

    I would sit with him while he ate even though it was snowing outside, but he wouldn't come in and always running out of reach if I moved too quickly. After a while I sat in the hall and he'd eat in the open doorway but always poised to run off at any noise.

    After a few weeks I managed to close the door and he would sit in the warmth. If I stood he would run straight to the door in a panic to get out. A few months later and he then decided he was home and settled in, finding cosy places to sleep and even sitting on my lap.

    One day I took him to the vet's to remove a difficult tick. He was scanned for a microchip and to my surprise the scanner beeped and his previous owner's details came up. I contacted him and he told us that he'd lived about half a mile from our house, but then had moved in 2002 taking Scaredy (or Sith as he was originally called) to a new home about five miles away. Scaredy was nervous even then and had managed to push through a locked catflap after a couple of days, never to be seen again until now. He had made his way back to his old house and had been living alone on the streets for six years!

    His original owner now had two very young children and whilst he was happy to take him back, the household was not the place for a cat as nervous as Scaredy. So wonderfully I agreed to adopt him and let him carry on living with me, not as a lodger but as part of the family.

    He is now twelve years old and follows me about all the time. He makes little chirrup noises to me which I like to think are his way of saying he likes living here. I'm so pleased that I decided on a cold winter's day to feed the scrawny dirty black and white cat sitting on our driveway. He's become such a lovely part of the family and after living on the streets he deserves (and gets) all the food, pampering and strokes a cat can tolerate.

Scaredy, the Cat of the Day
See more images of Scaredy!
Scaredy, the Cat of the Day
Scaredy, the Cat of the Day

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