Cat of the Day
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Cat of the Day
Today's Cat of the Day
Indy the Silver Tabby, the Cat of the Day
Name: Indy
Age: Six years old
Gender: Male
Kind: Silver Tabby
Home: Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA
   Indy became a part of our family in July of 2009 less than a week after we lost a beloved cat. We didn't intend to adopt a kitten, but Indy had other plans. As we casually (or so we thought) passed the kitten section, one kitten was meowing non-stop. As it turned out, he was the only kitten alone in a cage with no brothers or sisters to keep him company. At only 2 months old, this was apparently more than he could handle. Of course, we had to take him home so he wouldn't be lonely. That day, we also adopted another cat who had been left behind by a family who was moving away. They got along well from the start, as you can see in the one photo of them together.

   Indy loves the out of doors. He's very inquisitive, but not a vicious hunter. He caused some trouble a couple of Springs ago with a doe who snorted and stomped her way into our backyard from our "out back" property. We're pretty sure she was just lodging a complaint that he got too close to her fawn, but she scared the heck out of us. We thought she was going to stomp up onto our deck she was so furious! He must have learned his lesson, because there have been no repeats.

   In June of 2012, Indy suffered a seizure. Since then, he has had four more in varying degrees of severity. The first one was scary because it was so unexpected and the last one was his most severe. That being said, he has not had a seizure in nearly 18 months. We really hope that he won't have any more. He recovers quickly from them and almost immediately wants to get up and wander the house as if he's checking to make sure everything is where it's supposed to be. He has had a neuorolgical exam, but it did not turn up any obvious problem. Since his seizures are somewhat infrequent, we have chosen not to medicate him. We keep an eye on him and hope for the best.

   All our cats love Indy so much, he's gotten pretty spoiled. It seems he's everyone's baby kitten even though he's all grown up. He'll always be our little "Indy-kins!"

Indy the Silver Tabby, the Cat of the Day
Indy the Silver Tabby, the Cat of the Day
Indy the Silver Tabby, the Cat of the Day
Indy the Silver Tabby, the Cat of the Day

Talk about Indy in Pet Talk!

Maxwell the Tabby mix Kathy the Calico Miss Kitty the American Short Hair Billy the Orange Tabby mix Beamer the Manx Beans the Bombay Tigress the Tabby mix Mandu the Tabby
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