Name: |
Age: |
Three years old
Gender: |
Kind: |
Calico Cat
Home: |
Harare, Zimbabwe
At around Christmas in 2012, a very small, skinny, young calico cat showed up at our back door. You can imagine a Mission-Impossible game-type-theme as this small cat attempted to sneak past four humans and three big happy cats to steal a bit of food. After she was discovered we started placing food down for her, and she quickly got bolder. It didn't take too long to get close enough to see that she was clearly nursing kittens, which was a bit horrifying as she looked to be 6-8months old. Unfortunately we never did find the kittens.
At first she would come for a few minutes at night to eat then go on home, back to her babies, one night I stayed up until 12 am worrying, as she hadn't come, but then the wailing at the door eased my mind, she was very pleased to get some leftover turkey that night. Eventually, she'd be around all day, spare an hour or two. We waited about 3 months until we were certain that the kittens, wherever they were, should be able to fend for themselves and were ready for weaning, and we took her to the vet to be spayed.
Upon returning to our humble abode, she had absolutely no thoughts of ever leaving, she had us sussed. Slowly she has grown from the small, nervous cat into a well rounded, queen of the house. Anyone who is not aware of her place, human or cat, is reminded with a well placed bite to the back of the leg. Unassuming visitors are the favourites to perform this ritual on. She lords it over the other cats, most of them bigger than her, with regal poise.
When the camera is taken out she quickly takes herself to a convenient place and waits, posed perfectly so as to get her picture taken. If this doesn't work she starts frolicking until she has the desired attention, then returns to step one.