Cat of the Day
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Cat of the Day
Today's Cat of the Day
Shaggy the Long-haired moggie
Name: Shaggy
Age: Thirteen years old
Gender: Male
Kind: Long-haired moggie
Home: Seaford, East Sussex, United Kingdom
   Shaggy was diagnosed with serious diabetes two years ago and the Veterinarians have not been able to stabilize that and so he has shots every once in a while which sometimes cause him to go blind temporarily. He's amazing though, and takes it all in his stride. The vet team adore him as he is very gentle and has a big personality.

     Shaggy's favorite trick is to leave half eaten small mammals in the most secret and inaccessible places so that the only clue is the smell of decomposing flesh which takes a lot of detective work when you need to locate it. He hunts less now but is very partial to freshly cooked fillet steak and salmon - expensive taste. He's incredibly affectionate, and, the older he gets, the more attention he wants. Like most males, he's mellowed over the years and now spends most of the time indoors. However, in the early hours of the morning, he starts chasing around the house playing chase - obviously missing his brother Scooby who died two years ago - and always ends up on my pillow trying to wake me up - not just for food, but for company too. We love him.

Shaggy the Long-haired moggie Shaggy the Long-haired moggie Shaggy the Long-haired moggie Shaggy the Long-haired moggie

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