Cat of the Day
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Cat of the Day
Today's Cat of the Day
Booster the Holy Birman
Name: Booster
Age: Nineteen years old
Gender: Male
Kind: Holy Birman
Home: Belgium
   What makes Booster special is he has been in my life ever since I was a little girl. His mother, named Bibiche, had three kittens in total and Booster was one of those. He was a fluffy chubby kitten and we decided to keep him as his siblings were adopted. Booster has always been our special boy, a bit of a lazy one but that made him who he is today. He never hunted mice or birds instead he would chase leaves in the garden or bugs.

     He is always gentle and would rather come and look for snuggles and hugs, but when it came to playing he would be laying on the floor lifting a paw trying to reach the toy. It's always funny as people who see him think he's a mean cat or isn't friendly as rather than wide open eyes, the eyes of him seem to be halfway open looking angry. But Booster had surgery on his eyes which is why they look this way. Recently he celebrated his 19th birthday (video here) and we hope he can spend more birthdays with us. <3

     He is on a special diet due to his kidneys having issues, but ever since we gave him a new diet he gained weight and became better. Now Booster is old he usually spends his days sleeping and asking for attention, which we gladly give him. He's not a pet, he is family. Whenever I would work on school he was always laying close to me. He is just a fantastic cat! <3

Booster the Holy Birman

Talk about Booster in Pet Talk!

Effie the Sacred Birman Fluff the Tuxedo Cat Sebastian the Orange Tabby Oreo the Tabby Enzo the Tabby mix Alphonzo the Somali Cuno the Longhair Cat Fluffy the Calico
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