Name: |
Rafiki Seta
Age: |
Nine years old
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Home: |
Woodland, Michigan, USA
This is my sweet fur baby, Rafiki Seta. He lives in Woodland, Michigan and he is approximately nine years old. Rafiki was purchased from a rescue group. His rescue group "mom" referred to him as Newman because of his pale blue eyes. Rafiki is Swahili for "friend" and Seta means six because he was the sixth cat of my cat family at that time. The back story, as I was told, is as follows: a woman found him and another cat in her garage. Being a dog person, she managed to cage the cats and take them to the county animal shelter. That county's shelter decided they didn't have enough room and sent the two cats to a neighboring county's shelter. A rescue group, RARE, rescued the two critters and put them on PetFinder.
I initially wanted the cat named Frank (Sinatra) because he looked like he was possibly more than half Siamese and I'm partial to Meezers. The rescue group told me the pair was "bonded" and they had to be adopted together. I was only interested in having one but being the softy I am, I brought them both home (I had put two cages in the back of my vehicle just in case). Oddly enough, Rafiki was, and is, the most stand-offish creature I've ever lived with. However, his beautiful blues eyes trapped my soul and since I lost my beloved Neko de Chi-Ninja a year ago, Rafiki has become my favorite cat. I hope I live long enough that he will eventually let me pick him up without first trapping him in a bathroom like I do when it's time for a vet visit. That once a year I get to actually get my hands on him is precious. His fur is very soft and he is wonderful to hold.
He helped fill the hole in my heart and I am forever grateful to him for helping me through a difficult time. His bonded cat is named Paka and I am attaching a picture of him also in case you want to use both. Same back story as Rafiki. He grew into a 25# pussy cat. Paka has a long body, huge head, short leg and short tail. This makes him an odd looking cat when you see him standing up or walking. He's pretty lazy like me and we sometimes share the same bed. Of course it's always on his terms since he, as most cats, considers everything in this house his and he merely allows me to share.