Cat of the Day
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Cat of the Day
Today's Cat of the Day
Zola the Domestic Shorthair Tabby, the Cat of the Day
Name: Zola
Age: Six years old
Gender: Female
Kind: Domestic Shorthair Tabby
Home: Lake Placid, Florida, USA
   Zola is a spectacular and a peculiar Cat. About five years ago my kitty sister, the cat I grew up with from the age of five, finally passed of old age. Me and my mother were heart broken, because my dog passed two years earlier. Suddenly a house that I could never even remember being petless, was completely petless. Mom and I were empty and alone.

     Suddenly my mom came home with the most gorgeous domestic short hair cat named Zola. I don't know how old she was at the time but she was still young. She was a wild cat before we got her, so she was completely skittish and scared of everything. She spent weeks hiding in a corner until we coaxed her out. Now she can't stand being apart from us.

     Some of the most remarkable and hilarious things she does are, she will sometimes go completely nuts and attack her own tail or foot. She will full out get into a fight with her own foot sometimes. It's nothing to be concerned about, we had her checked out. now it's just hilarious. She has also learned to tap on our shoulders to ask for pets. Whenever she wants more attention she'll come up to me when I am on the computerand tap me on the shoulder to get me to pet her. If I don't she'll sent mark my computer with her whiskers so hard I'm afraid she'll break my screen so I just pet her. I think I taught her a bad trick lol.

     Speaking of teaching her tricks. If no one is around to scare or "embarrass" her, she will do tricks for cat treats. I have taught her to "sit" and "stay" but every time I get out the camera to film it...suddenly she doesn't have a clue what I'm talking about. Since I am a photographer/ film maker as a hobby, she knows now what a camera is and when I get mine out.

     If you open any can in the kitchen she will literally scream at you until you show her what it is. And if it's Tuna she will continue to scream until you give her some. And I'm not talking like the occasional "hey" Meow that cats do when they want something. I'm talking this cat will sit there and consistently meow until you put Tuna in front of her face. Loudly. Someday I will get this on camera.

     She either loves a toy, or completely ignores it. There is no in between. and so far the only things we've found that she likes are hair ties and these little catnip toys I make for her. but that expensive ball toy we bought her...naaah she doesn't want that. or anything with a lot of fur that she has to get her claws on. I think she hates the feeling of it.

     But one of the most remarkable things about her is that I have depression. I get so bad, for no reason sometimes, and want to die. If I am sitting in the living room sobbing and no one is here to help me out, Zola will take up that role and she would always be there for me. She will sit by my side, let me hold her, and love her. And when I am not in my dark place anymore, she will go back to whatever she was doing like it was no big deal.

     That cat is literally a life saver, and I love her with all my heart. She has a playlist on youtube and her own page on DA. She is the best cat.

Zola the Domestic Shorthair Tabby, the Cat of the Day Zola the Domestic Shorthair Tabby, the Cat of the Day Zola the Domestic Shorthair Tabby, the Cat of the Day Zola the Domestic Shorthair Tabby, the Cat of the Day Zola the Domestic Shorthair Tabby, the Cat of the Day Zola the Domestic Shorthair Tabby, the Cat of the Day

Talk about Zola in Pet Talk!

Buddy the Domestic Shorthair Freya the Domestic Longhair Brandy the British Shorthair Tabby Cooper and Hannah the Tabby Cats Tux the Tuxedo mix Tigrou the Orange Tabby Ruby the Tabby Shorthair Mitzy the Domestic Medium Hair
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