Cat of the Day
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Cat of the Day
Today's Cat of the Day
Tiger the Tabby Shorthair, the Cat of the Day
Name: Tiger
Age: Deceased, almost two years old
Gender: Male
Kind: Tabby Shorthair
Home: Ohio, USA
   Tiger was one of a litter born to a cat that our son had rescued/adopted - not aware that she came complete with a litter of kittens that ended up being born a few weeks later. She had been scheduled to be spayed but as soon as it was discovered she was with kittens, that appointment was postponed. When the kittens were born, the plan was that they would be adopted out, however, as you probably already guessed, they became treasured additions to two different homes with family members.

     Tiger a.k.a. ThunderCat a.k.a. Tiggy, who earned the nickname ThunderCat because he sounded so loud when he ran across the floor, grew to be a big handsome young cat. The pictures do not do justice to his beautiful fur, markings which had orange colors along with the other colors. And his fur was so thick and soft.

     When he was a kitten, he was so shy that every time I went to visit him, he was hiding behind the dryer. It took weeks of coaxing to get him to come out to play whenever someone came to sit or play with him as he would dash back there every ime someone came in. At first I was the only one he would respond to.

     After we took him home, however, over time, he just blossomed more and more every day. He was the most calm, gentle giant, he was like a giant teddy bear, and became very attached to my husband and son. When he would hear my husband come into the house, as soon as he heard him start up the steps, Tiger would run to the door, then run and jump on the bed to be given all the attention for a while.

     In the night, as soon as it got dark outside, he would jump onto the window ledge, make these weird chirping noises, then pound on the glass, he would do that for a long time before coming to sit on the couch with me. I never did find out what he was so interested in, but that's one of the things I really miss about him, that little chirp he had that none of our other cats have.

     Unfortunately, mid-July of last year, while we were sitting reading the paper, he dashed through the room, and was suddenly in acute distress. Being Sunday, we rushed him to Emergency vet clinic almost hour away, and sadly, within a few hours his breathing was so bad, that he did not make it. He had no health problems before this, and there is no definite answer as to why this happened with no warning signs. In a few weeks, he would have been two years old.

Tiger the Tabby Shorthair, the Cat of the Day Tiger the Tabby Shorthair, the Cat of the Day Tiger the Tabby Shorthair, the Cat of the Day Tiger the Tabby Shorthair, the Cat of the Day

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