I guess Zach is special because he's ours! He loves to climb in bowls (as seen here), briefcases, shoeboxes (the smaller, the better), and cupboards. He learned to open the kitchen cabinet doors when he was very young. Maybe it was his bowl fetish? He loves a good romp around the house every day and ends up with his head under a comforter or a man-made bridge (made out of a shoebox). All we can do is sit back, watch, and then comment ... "he's nuts."
Speaking of Mr. Klutz, Zach will often fall off tables, run into doors, lose his balance on the back of a chair, and skid into a cabinet door head first! I always thought cats were graceful and had perfect balance ... yeah, right. And finally, his eating procedure is one for the books. He places both front feet in his bowl, then licks the daylight out of his little nuggets until most of them fall to the floor. Must be that flat (adorable) face. But then, what would you expect from a cat that ate above a placard that said "Warning, crazy cat!" His bowl reads "Psycho Kitty".