Cat of the Day
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Cat of the Day
Today's Cat of the Day
Oliver the Norwegian Forest Cat, the Cat of the Day
Name: Oliver
Age: Seven years old
Gender: Male
Kind: Norwegian Forest Cat
Home: Ontario, Canada
   Me found this cat in a ditch at the side of the road. He matches everything about the Norwegian Forest Cat breed description, even if he did not come with pedigree papers. He is a big boy, with an appropriately dense, thick coat - perfect for Ontario, as well as Norwegian winters.

     He is very much so a family cat, as he enjoys being around people, including company. He is not a skittish cat one bit, besides his less-than-ideal start at life. He is confident, friendly, and quick to purr. He is a very special cat to my family and it would be amazing to see him honored.

Talk about Oliver in Pet Talk!

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