Cat of the Day
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Cat of the Day
Today's Cat of the Day
Mable, the Cat of the Day
Name: Mable
Age: Eight years old
Gender: Female
Kind: Short-haired Tortoiseshell
Home: West Midlands, UK
   My cat is a girl and she's called Mable, she is about eight years old. She is a short-haired tortoiseshell, from the West Midlands in the UK. She was born a triplet with a sister and brother. We have her sister Flossie but her brother went to another cat lover. Her sister is a long haired tortoiseshell with the same coloring as Mable but lighter. I don't know a lot about her brother but I know that he is ginger. She is special because she's an amazing hunter and loves to bring us back her prey to show us that she loves us! She scares away the mice and spiders whenever they come into our house, and never likes to see me upset, and if I ever am then she will always be able to cheer me up!

    Her personality is definitely independent, especially when it comes to getting food for herself. She's very brave too, once she fought a father rat and killed it but in the process got bitten on the neck. She had to wear a cone for a week or two and she had to be hand fed biscuits because she couldn't reach the cat bowl with the cone restricting her, which was pretty funny. When she was a kitten on Christmas Day and birthdays, we gave her our spare wrapping paper because she liked to rip it up like a dog would. She also likes it when we tease her with a piece of ribbon or string and she stands on her hind legs and bites or claws at it, and she finds that very fun!

Mable, the Cat of the Day

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Franklin the Persian Rydia the Calico Sebastiana the Mackerel Tabby Linus the Domestic Shorthair Wendell the Maine Coon mix Nugget the Tortoiseshell Cocco the Maine Coon Mingo the Maine Coon
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