Cat of the Day
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Cat of the Day
Today's Cat of the Day
Simba, the Cat of the Day
Name: Simba
Age: Sixteen years old
Gender: Male
Kind: Cat
Home: London, UK
   Hello, my name is Simba. I'm a cute little fuzzy ginger tom with tiger-like pattens running down my tail and back. Me and my mummy have been together since she was a little baby, so we've grown up together. The only difference between me and my mummy is that she is one year older than myself. She thinks of me as her little lion, and also her best friend. I follow her around pretty much everywhere. I tend to drink from my mummy's cup even if it's coffee or tea! I love to have lots of cuddles and with that I do. The one thing I love are things that move, when it comes to bed time I tend to try and play with my mum by trying to get her up by laying on her chest and poking my paw lightly on her face till she finally gets up and plays with me, or I lay next to her just waiting for her to wake up. I might be quite old (coming up for seventeen in September) but age never stops me!

    My mummy always tends to buy me catnip (I love catnip to pieces!) but also she tends to buy me these little rubber balls which she bounces around the lounge or in her bedroom so I can chase them and for her to throw them for me. I have a strong bond with my mummy which no one else seems to have in our household. I have two sisters which are cats then there are four dogs! But mummy protects me from the scary dogs, when I'm with her I feel safe. I am happy that I've been able to grow up with someone with such a strong bond. Because I'm not only just a pet to her, I'm also her best friend.

    With out Simba, my life would be nothing. I've grown up with him since I was a baby and pretty much from day one he picked me as his owner, his mother but also his best friend. He lives up to his name Simba, living up to a lion as I say pretty much, he may be nearly seventeen but he still acts like a kitten, and he is pretty much the best thing that has ever come into my life. He follows me around like a lap dog so the bond between me and him ... there are just no words to describe how strong of a bond I share with Simba. I love him to pieces, more than anything in the world.

Simba, the Cat of the Day
Simba, the Cat of the Day

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