Cat of the Day
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Cat of the Day
Today's Cat of the Day
Gino, the Cat of the Day
Name: Gino
Age: One year, three months old
Gender: Male
Kind: European Cat
Home: Almería, Spain
   Gino was almost three months old when he got home. Not scared at all, he was acting just like he'd been living here all his life. We didn't have any kind of problems with him at first, then he started to climb on the furniture and throw everything down. Everything got broken. He seems to like doing that, every time he finds something on a high place, he just pushes it with his paw, even if it's a heavy thing. It is kind of a problem ... we don't know what to do about it.

    He's also deaf so we can't let him get out of the house, that would be very dangerous for him. He sometimes used to hide and we couldn't find him. We can't call him either, because he won't hear us. When we all leave, we just leave him in the living room so we can find him easily when we come back home.

    Gino is very delicate with food, he won't eat just every kind of cat food but still, he gets tired of the same flavor and type of food and just refuses to eat it. I usually buy different kind of food for him every month. It's not a problem at all.

    He's also a very very strong cat. When I accidentally trip on him he won't complain or byte or scratch me, he just gets up and look at me.

    Gino isn't an affectionate cat, he will never, ever come to you to pet him. If you try to do so, he just gets up and leaves. My mother and I are the only ones who can pet him but still, only for a few seconds until he feels it's enough. That doesn't mean he doesn't love us, we know it's just part of his unique personality. He really cares about nothing and he's happy, I'm sure he is, because he has everything he needs.

Gino, the Cat of the Day
See more images of Gino!
Gino, the Cat of the Day
Gino, the Cat of the Day
Gino, the Cat of the Day

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