Cat of the Day
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Cat of the Day
Today's Cat of the Day
Samwise, the Cat of the Day
Name: Samwise
Age: One year old
Gender: Male
Kind: Shorthair cat
Home: Hygiene, Colorado, USA
   Hi there! I'd like to introduce my cat Samwise (Sam for short). We live on a farm with a horse barn situated right on a highway, and idiots are forever leaving animals, particularly cats and kittens, with us. I think some are serial offenders, because one night, quite late, we heard the doorbell ring. Thinking it was the television, we ignored it. The next day, however, when I went to check the horses, I heard the loudest and most terrified screams I've heard in my life! Investigating behind the barn I managed finally to trap a tiny kitten, six weeks old at most, skinny, worm-ridden and terrified out of his wits. Someone probably left him at the door and ran.

    That was a year ago. Tiny little Sam has grown, not tall, but solidly, and spends almost all his days working on his title as Most Adorable Thing In The Universe. He is a constant... I can't say companion but perhaps overseer, carefully watching everything everyone does and trying it. His favorite occupation is playing with the "Cat Toys" app on my iPad, chasing spots of light on the ceiling, and riding around on ones shoulders, to which he likes to leap from the floor.

    He is a dear little thing - whoever dropped him off here has no idea what they're missing. He's still pretty adorable, no matter what my seventeen-year-old cat thinks.

Samwise, the Cat of the Day
See more images of Samwise!
Samwise, the Cat of the Day
Samwise, the Cat of the Day

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