Cat of the Day
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Cat of the Day
Today's Cat of the Day
Skippy, the Cat of the Day
Name: Skippy
Age: Four years old
Gender: Male
Kind: Brown Tabby
Home: Atlanta, Georgia, USA
   Introducing Skippy Earle Beaux-Dean - being a good Southern kitty, he needed a proper name! Skippy Earle is the baby in our cat family. He's four years old and is now bigger than his brother and sister put together. He had a rough start to life, someone tossed him out of their car when he was just a few weeks old. Lucky for us, we heard about him and decided to get him. I love him so very much, he's quirky and loves mischief and is one of a kind. I am lucky that we found him, he is a great addition to our home.

    He loves his big brother, Rocky Lu who is six years old, the picture on the stairs is from when Skippy was just a kitten, so Rocky Lu was looking out for him. Skippy Earle isn't sure about his big sister who's seventeen, she doesn't care much for him, that's for sure.

    He's 22 pounds (10 kg) and about 3.5 feet long (1 m), pretty much a mountain lion. He is also scared of everything, probably due to being tossed out of a car when he was nothing but baby fluff. He was an office baby cat and stole a teddy bear off of someone's desk and that was the only thing he had in his whole world when we got him. He still has his bear, and runs around the house with him in the middle of the night.

    He loves to tinker with things, and has an incredibly long attention span. He enjoys opening the cabinet where the trash can is, and pulling the trash out of it. He's incredibly smart and very temperamental. When he is being naughty his nose turns hot pink. He did not like the elf hat, by the way, not one bit. He's not much for dressing up.

    He's really too big to jump really high or to climb, though he tries anyway. He loves his low-calorie kibble and treats though I make him run down a short flight of stairs for his treats, to keep him moving and exercising. He's becoming a chatty Cathy probably because I talk to him all of the time.

   I really do love him more than words can express.

Skippy, the Cat of the Day
See more images of Skippy!
Skippy, the Cat of the Day
Skippy, the Cat of the Day
Skippy, the Cat of the Day
Skippy, the Cat of the Day
Earthy, the Cat of the Day

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Murry the Cat Gus the Maine Coon Techno Winston the Orange Tabby Fluffy the Siamese Dobbie the Domestic shorthair Oopy the Russian Blue Luna the Burmese Ernest the Bengal mix
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