Cat of the Day
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Cat of the Day
Today's Cat of the Day
Minou, the Cat of the Day
Name: Minou
Age: Twenty five weeks old
Gender: Female
Kind: Ragdoll
Home: Canada
   This is Minou, she is just about sixteen weeks old in the pictures, and she is twenty five weeks now, and she is a female Mitted Lynx Ragdoll kitten.

    As a child I never really shared a strong love towards cats because they were always independent and they were roamers. This is mostly because I grew up with kittens and cats on a farm. The cats and kittens I knew were all special in their own little ways, but sadly they had a habit of avoiding humans. No matter how pretty or cute the cat was, they never showed any interest towards humans and other animals the way Minou does.

    After deciding I wanted a cat, I spent months researching the perfect companion for myself and my small labrador. Nearing the end of the year, I knew every cat breed and personality by heart. By the end of all my research, I had fallen in love with the Ragdoll. Although I had never seen one, just looking at videos of people interacting with the large docile animals made me neglect any other options. The search for Ragdolls began along with weeks of coming up with nothing. The one day, I found a breeder. No one else was selling this breed of kitten due to the winter season, but fortunatly this breeder was. She lived over 100 Miles away from us but she had a litter of kittens available and that was all I needed to hear. After asking her why she had kittens when no other breeder did, she replied something similar to "One of my males escaped his area and had a party all night long ..." She later gave us pictures of all the kittens available, and asked us to choose which one we wanted. Of course I chose the larger, fluffier and wilder looking kitten rather than the sweet and docile looking kitten.

    After we got Minou, she was so tired from all the moving about she climbed onto my lap in the car and curled up into a warm little ball. It was then that I knew I had made the right choice. She later came home and adjusted quickly to our environment, and to the dog. But although Minou looked like the picture perfect cat, she has her physical imperfections. When we got her we later realized her back legs swung side to side and she would often fall around. We got her checked up, and after my investigations we came to the conclusion that she was suffering from something that happened to her during her neutering. I found that many cat owners had the same problem with their cats, but it was said to disappear as they grow older. We then found that Minou had ringworm, and as days passed and medicine after medicine failed to work, it spread over her neck, ears and face. She had to be shaved multiple times, treated with new medicine- each one increasing in price, and bathed . We finally found a solution which is currently working on her and it is reducing the spreading, allowing her hair to grow back fully. Her legs have increased in strength greatly, partly due to the daily exercises we have her do She still has her wobble, but that makes her even more special to me.

    Minou has a few problems but that does not stop her from being a fantastic kitten! She is constantly running around, leaping about, snuggling, discovering and playing with our dog despite her conditions. Her wobbly legs do not stop her at all from darting around the kitchen, surprising the animals, or climbing up legs. By far, Minou is the most loving, sweetest and most docile cat I have ever had the chance to interact with and I hope she will stay that way for many years to come.

Minou, the Cat of the Day
See more images of Minou!
Minou, the Cat of the Day
Minou, the Cat of the Day
Minou, the Cat of the Day

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