Cat of the Day
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Cat of the Day
Today's Cat of the Day
Tootsie Belle, the Cat of the Day
Name: Tootsie Belle
Age: Eight years old
Gender: Female
Kind: Tortoishell Shorthair
Home: Wentworth Falls, New South Wales, Australia
   Tootsie Belle is the best talker in the world. As soon as we picked her out of her cage at the RSPCA animal shelter almost a year ago she started 'talking' to me and I knew she was the cat for us.

    She is the most loving little being in the world. She had a difficult earlier life, having lost one and a half teeth, probably from a kick in the mouth as she also has a scar on her lip. Her communication skills are second to none and she comes and miaows to let us know she is going out and when she comes in. It isn't possible to kiss and cuddle her too much as she just lives to be loved and she sleeps on our pillows between our heads - often stretched out so we only have a couple of inches to lay our heads. She has plenty of cattitude and keeps the garden clear of vermin, she is so proud if she catches a rat and we have had several 'presents' laid out for us to admire, usually during the night on the bedroom floor. She left the RSPCA with our other cat Puss, and the man at the shelter said don't take them together as they don't get on but, after nine months,Tootsie and Puss are firm friends.

    Tootsie is a champion sleeper, if there was an Olympic Category for sleeping she would win a gold medal. Tootsie will be loved to bits for the rest of her life.

Tootsie Belle, the Cat of the Day

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Manny, Sam the DSH Orange Tabby Will the Domestic Shorthair Brownie the Tortoise Shell Bob the Maine Coon Lucy the Siamese Me Mow the Spotted Tabby, Short Hair Frankie the Himalayan Felix the Tuxedo
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