Cat of the Day
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Cat of the Day
Today's Cat of the Day
Castiel, the Cat of the Day
Name: Castiel
Age: Four months old
Gender: Male
Kind: Maine Coon
Home: Virginia, USA
   This is Castiel, but we call him Cass, our lovely little furball. We got him from a friend, whose two Maine Coons had six kittens, and out of them Cass was them only male. He was also the only gray one! He came home a little early because the friend wanted to get rid of the as soon as possible. We tried to say to wait until he was ten weeks old but the man said if we don't take him now then he will go to someone else, so we had to take him. Because he was weaned so early he now likes to suck on your fingers (yuck!). He will also suck on your hair, too.

    Over the past few months he has earned a place in my heart beside our other pets with his special little ways. He thinks it's fun to tear up paper towels, toilet paper, leaves, and he also likes to chew on dog bones! He's a little weirdo, that's for sure.

    He gave us a scare a couple of weeks ago when he somehow got an infection and got so sick he refused to eat and drink, we though he was going to die. But he didn't, and is back to his spunky self. Anywho, that's my Supernatural Cass right there, finding ways to impress the whole family every day!

Castiel, the Cat of the Day
Castiel, the Cat of the Day

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