Cat of the Day
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Cat of the Day
Today's Cat of the Day
Stinker, the Cat of the Day
Name: Stinker
Age: Twelve years old
Gender: Female
Kind: Maine Coon mix
Home: Northern Michigan, USA
   Stinker got her name from the way she smelled when I brought her home. I saw an ad in the local paper for a Maine Coon cat and I have always wanted one so I called right away. I have only had neutered male cats and told the owner that I wanted a boy. She said she "wasn't sure" what sex it was but that I should come and look. Of course after I had her in my arms it didn't matter what she was and I took her. She had been in a cage on a stump in the back yard by some cows and she smelled pretty strongly of cow by-product, so my husband called her Stink, which has morphed into Stinker, Stinkerbelle, Stinkerella etc.

    She is a very independent cat and hates to be picked up. If she is in the mood, and especially if it is winter and she is cold, she will sit in your lap. She will also allow you to share the bed with her as long as she gets most of it. She will allow scratching and petting just about any time.

    She loves to eat "al fresco" and gets mad when the chickens are out, as they will steal her food so she has to eat inside. As soon as they are locked up on a summer evening, the first thing she wants is a bowl of food outside on the porch.

    She has a scar across her nose from when she was younger and a bit high strung. We had a homemade glass greenhouse addition to the barn and she was in there with our older cat. All of a sudden Stink decided she had to get out now, and even though the door was open she went out right through a pane of glass. Her nose barely even bled, but I suspect she had quite a headache.

    Stinker took it very hard when we got a kitten from the shelter last summer. She quit eating and was vomiting bile. She was one day away from a two day stay at the vet to get some fluids in her when she decided to start eating- she hates the vet! Now the two cats hang out together all the time and keep each other entertained, especially in the winter. I put catnip on the floor of the basement by the woodstove and they play half the night down there.

    I am so glad I picked Stinker off the stump twelve years ago. We love her and she would hate to admit it, but she loves us too.

Stinker, the Cat of the Day
See more images of Stinker!
Stinker, the Cat of the Day
Stinker, the Cat of the Day

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Rafferty the British Tiger Shorthair Teemo the Cat Baxter the Long Hair Domestic Micki the European Shorthair Maude the Siamese, Ragdoll mix Monty the Short haired tabby Simba the Cat Samwise the Shorthair cat
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