Cat of the Day
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Cat of the Day
Today's Cat of the Day
Trouble, the Cat of the Day
Name: Trouble
Age: Six years old
Gender: Female
Kind: Long-haired Cat
Home: Reno, Nevada, USA
   Trouble is special is her own name. It was hard to decide on a name for her, but after she destroyed my grandmother's sewing machine, figured out how to turn on the bath tub and let the water all day, and got into the food, we decided that she was Trouble. She's a sweet indoor cat that sleeps all day and doesn't like to be held much. She keeps to herself, except on the extraordinary occasion that she comes out and shares her meow! I love her stripes and her extremely fluffy tail. She's a pretty special kitty, if only to me.

Trouble, the Cat of the Day
Trouble, the Cat of the Day

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