Cat of the Day
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Cat of the Day
Today's Cat of the Day
Gnarly the Tabby Cat
Name: Gnarly
Age: Eight years old
Gender: Female
Kind: Tabby Cat
Home: New Zealand
   Gnarly is by far the most sweet, charming and intelligent cat I've ever met. We made a fateful encounter at our local SPCA and she was so sweet and gentle that we had to take her home. We were told that at her old home she had been beaten up by another cat and wasn't to keen on meeting others or going outside so she was perfect for us: we have no cats and live nest to a busy road so we felt that an indoor cat was the best way to go.

     When she isn't eating, sleeping (usually on top of someone) or watching the world go by Gnarly can be found running around the house like a lunatic or playing with her toy mice. Gnarly is very intelligent and if you are walking past and have something she is curious about in your hand she will stand on three legs and usually use her right "hand" to pull your hand closer and peep at what is inside.

     Sometimes if you are sitting down next to her and you start to stand up Gnarly jumps up onto your shoulders and hitches a ride. She is very clever and will often open doors when they are only just not closed or push windows open (but never jump out) to sniff the air.

     I could write pages and pages about her, but to sum her up, Gnarly is a loony, regal, lazy, intelligent fluffball who is a very important part of our family.

Gnarly the Tabby Cat Gnarly the Tabby Cat

Talk about Gnarly in Pet Talk!

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