Cat of the Day
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Cat of the Day
Today's Cat of the Day
Bunny the Shorthair Cat, the Cat of the Day
Name: Bunny
Age: Sixteen years old
Gender: Female
Kind: Shorthair Cat
Home: Stockton, California, USA
   When Bunny adopted us we called her Emily Bunny, and she has been just Bunny for a very long time. When she adopted my husband & I, she was already pregnant. What did we know? Probably before we didn't know how long it would be before she had the litter. Well one night, with Bunny crying madly, we ran around like crazy people trying to find the best place. On the porch in a big box with shredded newspaper was the chosen spot. And out came Spotsy, Olivia, Baby Red (sleepy face), Punky and Amelia (sashie). We were living in an apartment at the time and the management didn't know we had six cats. Yes, they eventually made their way inside onto my favorite blanket because Bunny kept moving them around outside. We kept the whole litter because by the time people wanted one my husband and I decided we couldn't part with any of them. What a wild ride -

     1. because anytime the manager wanted to come and change a light bulb we had to pile them in the car and take them out to the ranch where they played in the laundry room and hid behind the dryer.


     2. because, well...all you cat people know what goes on when you have a bunch of cats. Sadly, Bunny has outlived all the babies and is quite healthy at age 16, only having only been to the vet once her entire life. We recently got two chi-weeny dogs and one is a little high strung. Brownie barks at Bunny every time she comes in the room and I have to remind that Bunny lives here too! Bunny clearly knows where all the best spot to stay warm are, and keep her teddy handy for naps, as he is quieter than the dogs, and softer, too!

     We love her and she is clearly my cat; she has let my husband pet her a couple of times and my 10-year-old can pet her only sometimes, but I am her chosen human.

Bunny the Shorthair Cat, the Cat of the Day Bunny the Shorthair Cat, the Cat of the Day

Talk about Bunny in Pet Talk!

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