Name: |
Age: |
Four years old
Gender: |
Kind: |
Home: |
Plainfield, Illinois, USA
cat's name is Tiger but we call her Kitty, Crova, Mishu, Mish, the Holy
Mouse, the Royal Mouse, Mouse, Doggie, Horsy, Froggy, Cow and some other
names. You might think that she is mean and does things like scratch, hiss
and bite you. Those are normal cats. My cat is an angel. Even though she has
killed a few mice and two baby bunnies, she is still the best cat ever.
My cat was not adopted from a shelter - she came to us! One night, my stepdad
made a delicious meal for dinner and we opened all the windows because the
smell was everywhere. After about an hour, my stepdad came back down with
Tiger in his arms. He said "Look what I found!" and showed her to my mom and
me. My stepdad is a photographer so he took a lot of pictures of her and made
a "Found Pet" poster that I taped all over the neighborhood. After a few
days, no one called. My mom promised that we would keep her until someone
calls. The next day, someone called. It was the neighbor next door! He said
that he has two big golden retriever dogs and sometimes babysits other dogs.
Those dogs were not nice to Tiger so she somehow ran away. So we have kept
her, with his blessing, and she has been a great company and the best pet I
have ever had ever since that day!
