is always everyone's friend. She is never afraid of anyone and always
just walks closely past you so you will pet her. She's a very sweet cat and
never gets angry at anything. She's a very strong cat and I love her so much.
She isn't really a cat that likes to play games or knows how to do tricks.
She likes to chase after laser lights like any cat probably does, and she
naps a lot. She is a very affectionate cat but doesn't like to be on anyone's lap.
This year she got sick. We thought she'd get better again just like our other
two cats, who did. It turns out she was weaker than them, so we brought her
to the vet. It appears if we hadn't brought her then, she probably would have
died of exhaustion and sickness! They made sure she got some medicine and
special food. So she was been saved from dead (luckily). She's my third cat,
though I consider her more as my second cat, and I am so glad she is healthy
again! I love her very much!
See more images of Misty!